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ARTONEBONN – Ein Graffitikunst-Projekt für Jugendliche aus 4 Bonner Bezirken

Im Artonebonn-Projekt bin ich neben meiner Aufgabe als Projektleiter auch für die Gestaltung der Grafiken und Internetseiten zuständig.

ARTONEBONN – Instagram Profil


Presenting Shakespeare – 1,100 Posters from Around the World

Presenting Shakespeare – 1,100 Posters from Around the World, published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York, written by Mirko Ilic and Steven Heller collects posters for professional stagings of Shakespeare’s plays, designed by an international roster of artists representing 55 countries. This stunning selection of the best in Shakespeare posters from the nineteenth century to the present was chosen from the collections of museums, theaters, and individuals. Features a preface by award – winning director Julie Taymor.

My published posters:
Bonn University Shakespeare Company, Measure for Measure, Brotfabrik Theater, DE, 2013, design Seabastian Klement, art Eugen Schramm

Toyota Motorsport GmbH – Koeln

Toyota Hybrid – 2014 World Champions Manufacturers´ and Drivers´ – FIA World Endurance Championship


Maxim – Maxim

Maxim – Nachtigall

Diaspora – Voilà la Diaspora

CD Cover

Flyer- und Plakatdesign

Sticker und Pins

Karnevalsgesellschaft Flöck-Flöck 1926 Limbach e.V. – Asbach


Graphic Design, Eugen Schramm,Andi, Artist, Bike, Comic,Downhill,Eugen,Fahrrad,Grafik,Zeichnung,Mountain, Radon, Schramm, Sieber, Slide, Tour, Zeichner, Zeichnungen, Drawing,